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Ancillary relief. We ask Alexander JLO’s senior partner, Peter Johnson, for his guidance on the subject.

Q: Good afternoon, Peter. Thank you for joining us today. Could you please explain what ancillary relief is in the context of divorce proceedings?

A: Good afternoon. Ancillary relief refers to the financial matters that need to be resolved when a couple decides to divorce. It involves the division of assets, such as property, savings, investments and pensions, as well as determining spousal maintenance and child support, if applicable.

Q: What factors are taken into consideration when determining the division of assets in ancillary relief?

A: When deciding how to divide assets, the court considers various factors, including the length of the marriage, the financial needs and resources of each party, their earning capacity and their contributions to the marriage, both financial and non-financial. The court also takes into account the welfare of any children involved.

Q: How does the court determine spousal maintenance and child support in ancillary relief?

A: Spousal maintenance is determined by assessing the financial needs of the receiving party and the paying party’s ability to meet those needs. Factors such as age, health, earning capacity and standard of living during the marriage are considered. Child support is calculated based on the Child Maintenance Service guidelines, taking into account the paying party’s income and the number of children involved.

Q: Can ancillary relief be negotiated outside of court?

A: Yes, absolutely. In fact, it is often encouraged to try and reach an agreement through negotiation or mediation before resorting to court proceedings. I have found over the years that avoiding court proceedings can be less stressful for all parties, including us lawyers! Negotiating outside of court allows the parties to have more control over the outcome and can be less time-consuming and costly.

Q: What happens if the parties cannot reach an agreement on ancillary relief?

A: If an agreement cannot be reached, the court will make the final decision. Each party will present their case and the court will consider all relevant factors before making a ruling on the division of assets, spousal maintenance and child support.

Q: Are there any recent developments or changes in ancillary relief laws that people should be aware of?

A: It’s worth noting that there have been ongoing discussions and potential reforms regarding the division of assets in divorce cases, particularly in relation to prenuptial agreements and the treatment of non-marital assets.

Q: Thank you, Peter, for sharing your insights on ancillary relief in divorce proceedings. Is there anything else you would like to add?

A: You’re welcome. I would just like to emphasise the importance of seeking professional legal advice when going through a divorce and dealing with ancillary relief matters. Every case is unique, and having the guidance of an experienced solicitor can help ensure that your rights and interests are protected throughout the process. I’m always available on email ( or phone (020 7537 7000) to assist with a free no obligation consultation to discuss your requirements.


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