Can a Child Arrangements Order be changed and how do I do it?
A Child Arrangements Order is a legal document that outlines where a child lives and [...]
What can I Expect in the Family Court?
Navigating the family court system in England and Wales can be a daunting experience, but [...]
Understanding Parental Responsibility
Parental responsibility is a legal concept that defines the rights, duties, powers and responsibilities that [...]
Understanding the Legality of Child Arrangement Orders
Child arrangement orders play a crucial role in determining the living arrangements and contact arrangements [...]
What factors are considered when determining Child Custody, Residence Orders, Visitation Rights and Contact Orders on Divorce?
When determining child custody and visitation rights with a view to granting a Residence ot [...]
Understanding the Concept of Shared Care in Family Law
Shared care in family law pertains to an arrangement where a child or children spend [...]
Cohabitees and forcing a sale when children are involved
In the case of V and W the court was required to rule on an [...]
Are my child’s wishes taken into account at mediation?
As with all things divorce, communication is often the key to keeping things as painless [...]
A Law Firm You Can Trust
All of our solicitors and lawyers are trained to the highest standards in their speciality area and are dedicated to following best practices, to ensure that our clients get the most satisfactory legal services possible. We are proud to be members of Resolution and are accredited by the Law Society as Family Law specialists.
Alexander JLO is also delighted to be listed in the Review Solicitors Guide for many areas. Take a look at our firm’s entry and Peter Johnson’s (Senior Partner) profile, or scroll down to see the rest of our team.