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Current Divorce Statistics for England and Wales

Divorce affects many families in England and Wales. Here’s our look at current divorce statistics to understand the trends and implications. This blog explores key statistics regarding divorce, including gender breakdown, average age at divorce and the average length of marriage before separation.

Key Statistics

1. Overall Divorce Rate:

   According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), there were approximately 107,000 divorces in England and Wales in 2022. This figure reflects a gradual increase from previous years, highlighting the ongoing challenges couples face.

2. Gender Breakdown:

   – In 2022, about 65% of divorces were initiated by women, while 35% were initiated by men. This trend has remained relatively stable over the years, indicating that women often take the lead in seeking divorce.

   – The reasons for this disparity are multifaceted, including factors such as changing gender roles and societal expectations.

3. Average Age at Divorce:

   – The average age for men at divorce was 45, while for women it was 42.

   – This shift in average age reflects a trend where people are choosing to marry later in life, often leading to more mature and stable relationships. However, it also highlights that even seasoned marriages can face challenges.

4. Average Length of Marriage:

   – The average length of marriage before divorce is around 12 years. This suggests that many couples endure a significant period of challenges before deciding to separate.

   – Marriages that last longer may indicate increased commitment, but they also face unique difficulties as couples navigate various life stages and responsibilities.

Factors Contributing to Divorce

Several factors can contribute to the high divorce rates observed in England and Wales:

– Changing Social Norms: Modern society places less stigma on divorce, making it more acceptable for individuals to seek separation when faced with marital dissatisfaction.


– Economic Stress: Financial pressures can strain relationships, making conflict more likely. Economic changes, such as job loss or housing issues, can significantly impact marital stability.

– Parenting Challenges: Couples with children may grapple with parenting stress, which can create tensions in the relationship. Interestingly, while having children may deter divorce for some, it can also exacerbate underlying issues for others.

It is interesting to note, however, that the rate of divorce has fallen significantly in recent years. Many more couples are choosing simply to cohabit and having children out of wedlock is no longer considered taboo, in fact, more children in this country are now born out of wedlock than in. Equally, people are marrying later which will also feed into the lower divorce statistics compared to historic years.

The Impact of Divorce

Divorce can have profound effects on both individuals and families. Emotional challenges, financial implications, and shifts in family dynamics are common after a divorce. Understanding the statistics behind divorce can help individuals and couples prepare for potential changes in their relationships.


Divorce statistics in England and Wales reveal important trends regarding gender, age and the duration of marriages. By understanding these factors, individuals can gain insights into their relationships and the dynamics at play. Open communication and support can help couples navigate the complexities of marriage, ultimately leading to healthier, more fulfilling relationships. As society continues to evolve, staying informed about these trends is crucial for anyone looking to understand the landscape of modern relationships.

This blog was prepared by Alexander JLO’s senior partner, Peter Johnson on the 5th February 2025 and is correct at the time of publication. With decades of experience in almost all areas of law Peter is happy to assist with any legal issue that you have. He is widely regarded as one of the capital’s leading divorce lawyers. His profile on the independent Review Solicitor website can be found Here