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Understanding Force Majeure: Its Application in Commercial Contracts

In the realm of commercial contracts, unforeseen events or circumstances beyond the control of the parties can disrupt the performance of contractual obligations. To address such situations, the concept of force majeure comes into play. In this blog, we will explore the concept of force majeure, its significance and how it can apply to commercial contracts.

1. Defining Force Majeure:

Force majeure refers to unforeseeable events or circumstances that are beyond the control of the parties involved, making it impossible or impracticable for them to fulfil their contractual obligations. These events are typically considered to be outside the reasonable control of the parties and are often referred to as “acts of God” or “acts of nature.”

2. Force Majeure Clause in Commercial Contracts:

A force majeure clause is a contractual provision that allocates the risk and consequences of unforeseen events. It outlines the rights and obligations of the parties in the event of a force majeure event. This clause typically includes a list of specific events that qualify as force majeure, such as natural disasters, war, strikes, government actions or other events beyond the parties’ control.

3. Application of Force Majeure:

When a force majeure event occurs, the affected party may be excused from performing its contractual obligations, either temporarily or permanently, without being held liable for breach of contract. The party invoking force majeure must typically demonstrate that the event falls within the scope of the force majeure clause and that it has made reasonable efforts to mitigate the impact of the event.

4. Consequences of Force Majeure:

The consequences of a force majeure event can vary depending on the terms of the contract and the applicable laws. In some cases, the contract may be temporarily suspended until the force majeure event is resolved. Alternatively, the contract may be terminated if the force majeure event renders performance impossible or impracticable for an extended period.

5. Notice and Communication:

When a force majeure event occurs, it is crucial for the affected party to provide timely notice to the other party, as required by the contract. This notice should detail the nature of the event, its impact on performance and any steps taken to mitigate the effects. Open and transparent communication between the parties is essential to navigate the challenges posed by force majeure events.

6. Force Majeure and COVID-19:

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the significance of force majeure clauses in commercial contracts. Many businesses faced disruptions due to government-imposed lockdowns, travel restrictions and supply chain interruptions. The applicability of force majeure clauses in such situations depends on the specific language of the clause and the governing law.

Force majeure is a vital concept in commercial contracts, providing a mechanism to address unforeseen events or circumstances that hinder the performance of contractual obligations. By including a force majeure clause, parties can allocate the risks associated with such events and outline the rights and obligations in case of their occurrence. Understanding the concept of force majeure and its application in commercial contracts is crucial for businesses to navigate unforeseen challenges and ensure fair and equitable outcomes.

If you need a commercial contract drawing up or assistance in any area of commercial law, why not give one of Alexander JLO’s expert commercial lawyers a call on 020 7537 7000 or email for a free, no obligation consultation and see what we can do for you?

This blog was prepared by Alexander JLO’s senior partner, Peter Johnson on the 5th October 2023 and is correct at the time of publication. With decades of experience in almost all areas of law, Peter is happy to assist with any legal issue that you have. His profile on the independent Review Solicitor website can be found Here

2 thoughts on “Understanding Force Majeure: Its Application in Commercial Contracts

  1. Bill says:

    Good morning.

    I have a commercial contract which for various reasons has become impossible to perform. Unfortunately it does not include any force majeure provisions.

    Is there anything I can do?

    • Peter Johnson says:

      Hello Bill and thank you for the interest in our blog.

      Whilst we cannot give specific advice in relation to this issue particularly when we have not seen the contract, the following analysis in general terms may be of assistance.
      If no force majeure clause exists in your contract, then the doctrine of frustration may apply where unforeseen events happen and it is important for all businesses to understand how the concept works and when it is appropriate to use it. In certain circumstances, contracting parties may seek to rely on frustration to remove themselves from existing onerous contractual arrangements and to reduce their financial exposure.
      The principle of frustration comes into play when an unexpected event renders the performance of a contract impossible or transforms the contract into something completely different from what the parties originally intended.
      If frustration is successfully invoked, the contract is effectively terminated. Unlike other legal doctrines, there is no specific or rigid test to establish frustration. The court takes a broad approach, considering all the facts and circumstances of the case. However, there are some general factors that are typically present in frustration cases:
      1. The event causing frustration occurs after the contract is formed.
      2. Neither party is at fault for the frustrating event.
      3. The event fundamentally alters the nature of the contract, going beyond what the parties had in mind when they entered into it.
      4. The event renders further performance of the contract impossible, sometimes even illegal, or drastically different from what was originally contemplated.
      In certain situations, one party may have already made payments to the other party before the frustrating event occurs. In such cases, it may be possible to recover those payments if the contract falls within the scope of the Law Reform (Frustrated Contracts) Act 1943 and certain conditions of the act are met. Additionally, under common law, a party may be able to recover payments made only if there has been a complete failure of consideration.
      Recent cases involving frustration have demonstrated that the threshold to satisfy this doctrine is quite high. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to carefully review contractual clauses before entering into agreements.
      I hope this is if assistance. If you do require anything further then by all means give me a call on 020 7537 7000 or email me at
      Peter Johnson
      Senior Partner

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